
"The yogi who turns the face upward, holds the tongue in the cavity, meditates upon the highest shakti, and drinks the clearn stream of flooding crescent water - flowing from the head to the sixteen-petaled lotus, obtained from prana and Hatha - that yogi lives long and without disease, body soft as the root of a lotus."

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a fifteenth century text that outlines various cleansing and purification practices, ranging from simple asana to complex purging exercises (including feeding a wet rag down your throat into your belly, performing a self-colonoscopy, and threading a string through your nose down into your mouth). Clearly, it's a take it or leave it kind of yogic manual. Svatmarama also provides lists of recommended food and drink. One list includes sugar, candy, butter, mung dahl, and cucumbers. Random? Rather.


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