

8 pm on a Sunday night after what feels like the longest weekend ever. Friday was Louis's 24th birthday. We made two delicious vegetable lasagnas, and I dressed up the breakfast nook (which has become an any-and-all-meal nook) with a tablecloth and candle. For dessert, Chipp presented Louis with a 'double-thick' piece of carrot cake, and I unleashed a box of true Italian St. Joseph's Day cakes. We also passed a loaf of Sin Dawg around, which is this long, delicious seeded loaf of cinnamon bread by Dave's Killer Bread. 

We (Mike, Evans, Jimmy and I) spent Saturday afternoon at Powell's, where Jeff Garlin (who plays Larry David's manager and best friend on Curb Your Enthusiasm) gave a hilarious book talk. I had been planning on bear hugging him but I decided to settle for a handshake after experiencing serious heart palpitations while waiting on the signing line. He consented to a handshake. I played a trick on him. It was stupendous.

On Saturday night, I went to a party, after having not really been to a party for quite a while. It was a 'colorful clothing' party, which turned out to be a misnomer, because I got all decked out in purple leggings, a multicolored skirt, a purple sweater, and blue high-tops, and I was by far the most colorful person there. Evans wore his day-glo orange sweatshirt that makes him look like a road crew worker, and Mike wore a bright pink t-shirt underneath a green plaid button-up shirt. Louis wore bright red, white and blue (his patriotism never fails), and Jimmy wore bold green. Chipp wore loud orange. And we were the most colorful bunch there, which, for those who know us, is really, really bizarre.
Today we went to the coast. We hiked and hiked and hiked. Evans led us astray several times, but then it turned out to be fun and exciting and challenging and scary, so 'astray' became irrelevant. It was a gorgeous day. I met a big black bunny who enjoyed being hand-fed and pet by humans.

We stopped at the Rogue Brewery and Pub on the way back to Portland, which was actually just one of two bars in a one-block town, and we're all pretty sure the proprietors of the establishment are shamelessly ripping off Rogue Brewery. Not only was it  not an actual brewery, but Rogue beers were offered right along with a dozen ordinary beers, and there were awkwardly placed, unconvincing ROGUE posters taped up on the walls. The place is located in North Plains, which literally consists of one hardware store, two bars, and a secret meeting house. As we were leaving the bar I heard a man say to a woman who I assume is his wife, "Honey, you can be narrowminded, but it's wrong not to shake a man's hand."

I believe we're heading out to see Back to the Future at a local pub theater. My cheeks are sunburned. I am eating a delicious dinner of eggs, kale and tempeh, with a dab of hoisin sauce. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a week-long spring cleanse.

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