
Love Skool

This is my new yoga home. Laughing Lotus on West 19th between 5th & 6th. A beautiful, bright, vibrant practice space constantly occupied by big hearts, sweet beats, and declarations of love. I just completed my first weekend of fall teacher training with the Love Skool, which means I am sore, tired, and ecstatic. My teachers Dana, Sheri and Ali are highly skilled, dynamic teachers. My mentor is wonderful. My mentor group is incredible. My study buddy is so lovely.  

I believe my engagement in this program has significantly altered my approach to New York City in general. Instead of being totally stressed out and overwhelmed, I'm loving the constant flow of people and energy. This place is such an (im)perfect microcosm of the world: for every kind face there is a scowl; for every give there is a take; for every frantic movement there is a much needed, much appreciated moment of stillness and quiet. I am grateful to my friends for giving me their couches, beds and showers. My birthday weekend was all about yoga and loved ones. I went to the Brooklyn Book Festival and brunch with my dear friend Teff, then hopped over to the Lotus for a 5 hour training session with the otherworldly Dana, after which I headed back into Brooklyn and hunkered down in south Park Slope for a cozy little birthday celebration with Noelle, Camila and Josh. I slept soundly. I have a feeling I will be sleeping soundly for at least the next 13 weeks - the Lotus flow is an exalted, wild, purifying, exhausting beast, and I'm deep down in its belly.

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